1. Upload the XSLX template (Excell) file.

2. Select which platform you want to upload your Products to (required)


3. Enter your email here (required)


Need Help? Here is how it works!

Download and fill an Upload Template

To Start, click on the 'Download Template' Button, you will arrive at the 'Product Upload Template' Page. Here you can chose the template that best fits your needs, we always recommend to use the 'Simplified Template' because it allows you to enter all the important information quickly and it will upload your products on all the platform that you chose with one go. Complete the template and save it. If you need more information on how to complete a template, open the template and navigate to the 'Instruction' Tab.

Upload your Files

Second, after you template is ready and filled, upload it together with your mock-up images through this page (scroll up). If there was some mistake in the information you entered you will still be able to fix them later, as our cloud software will save all the products in your account draft (on the respective E-commerce portal) so that you are free to publish them any time you want.

Select the E-Commerce Platforms

Third, select the E-Commerce platforms you want our software to upload your products to. If you are using an advanced template, make sure to select only the platform that you have chosen. For example, if you chose the 'Simplified Template' you can chose to upload in one go to Etsy, Ebay, and Redbubble, but if you chose the Ebay Advanced Template, your information can be applied only to the ebay platform. Once the products are processed, they will be saved in your drafts. To publish them, simply log on your E-commerce platform and publish them in one click.

Enter your Email and Submit the Form

Fourth and last step, Provide the form with your email and submit the form. You will receive an email when all your products have been processed, so that you can enter your profile on the E-Commerce platform of your choice and publish your products with one click.

First Time? Here is how it works

1. First, Click on the 'Download Template' button and chose the template that best suits your needs.
2. Second, Fill your template with your products information and save it. You can access the 'Instruction' tab on the template file for more information.
3. Third, Scroll to the middle of this page and follow the steps, your first step will be to upload your completed template and the mock-up images.
4. Fourth, click on 'Submit and Pay',
you can pay with any major card or with paypal.
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